Why don't I see any invites?
Your league is now full and the draft has been completed. To view your invites, you must first delete the draft by visiting your League Settings page and selecting "Delete Draft." If you return to the "Teams" page, you will be able to view your invites.
How do I add or subtract people from my league?
Since the draft has been completed, in order to add or subtract people from your league, you will first need need to delete your draft by visiting your League Settings page and selecting "Delete Draft." Next, select "Edit League Settings" and change the number of Max Number of Teams in the League and Max Number of Contestants Per Team to reflect your new preferences.
Can some teams in our league start with more contestants than others?
Yes. If you are super cocky or super nice and would like to give one of your friends an unfair advantage, feel free to uncheck the "Balanced" box on the league settings page.
What if we want to wait to start the league until we get to know the contestants better?
No problem. Many people like to ease their way into the process and really ponder who they feel a connection with without committing to contestants based solely on their appearance and a few biographical facts. None of these people are the stars of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, but we admire the fact that our users are a bit more discerning. If this is you, feel free to change the Start Week Air Date to a future episode on the League Settings page.
We are starting our league after the first week. Can we just draft from the pool of remaining contestants?
Absolutely. Just click the "Active Contestants" box on the League Settings page.
Can we change the contestants on our teams?
You bet. If the commissioner made a "mistake" or the computer program didn't listen to your rankings (stupid machines!) or you simply want to make a trade, the commissioner can visit the League Settings page, click on "Edit/Draft Teams" and make the necessary changes.