Thebachelor 3623a9e7fec42fdfdf4558aa38928d7ffdd64f6bee41a23e8320e3c6e325bb5e
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Premiere: Monday, January 27, 2025

Channel & Time: ABC - 8 pm ET / 7 pm CT

The Bachelor 29

After an emotional exit, Grant Ellis' journey to find love will continue as he takes on the role of leading man for the upcoming 29th season of "The Bachelor."

Description Points
Contestant Receives Rose in Week 1 10
Contestant Receives Rose in Week 2 20
Contestant Receives Rose in Week 3 30
Contestant Receives Rose in Week 4 40
Contestant Receives Rose in Week 5 50
Contestant Receives Rose in Week 6 60
Contestant Receives Rose in Week 7 70
Contestant Receives Rose in Week 8 80
Contestant Receives Rose in Week 9 90
Contestant Receives Rose in the Finale 100
Contestant Reads the Date Card 10
Contestant is Chosen For a One-On-One Date 10
Contestant Kisses The Lead (A "Kiss" is Considered Anything More Than a Peck on the Cheek. A Contestant Can Only Receive Kissing Points Once Per Setting) 10
Contestant Cries 10
Contestant Engages in a Screaming Fight With Another Contestant 10
Contestant Joins The Lead in Hot Tub 20
Contestant and the Lead View a Fireworks Display 20
Contestant and the Lead Hear A Live Music Performance 20
The Lead Gives Contestant a Gift 20
Contestant Participates in a Physical Activity That Makes Her Nervous, But She Gets Through It With The Lead's Help, and The Lead Comments That He is Impressed by Her Courage 20
Contestant Rides in a Helicopter 20
Contestant Receives the Final Rose of the Evening 20
Contestant is the First or Last to Exit the Limo 20
Contestant Earns Extra 1-on-1 Time as a Reward on the Group Date 30
Contestant Exits the Limo in a Weird Costume, Enters in a Unique Fashion or has a Prop 30
The Lead Cries When Alone With a Contestant 30
Contestant Sings, Reads a Poem, Dances, Gives The Lead a Gift, Plays an Instrument, or Displays Some Other Unique Talent for The Lead 30
Contestant Receives a Rose on a 2-on-1 Date or a Group Date 40
Contestant Gets Drunk and Acts Like an Idiot, Gets Sick, or Passes Out 40
Contestant Engages in a Physical Fight With Another Contestant 40
Contestant Goes to the Hospital or Otherwise Injures Herself 40
Contestant Tries to Kiss The Lead, But is Rebuffed (ala Michelle from Jake's Season) 40
Contestant Tells Anyone Other Than The Lead, Including Confessional, That She is "There for the Right Reasons" 40
Contestant is Not Selected to Participate in the Week's Dates 50
Contestant Appears on Women Tell All Episode 50
Contestant Tells The Lead That She is "There for the Right Reasons" 50
Contestant Tells The Lead That Another Contestant is "Not There for the Right Reasons" 50
Contestant Sneaks Over to The Lead's Suite 50
Contestant is the First to Kiss The Lead 50
Contestant Tells The lead That She Has Been Divorced or Had a Broken Engagement 50
Contestant Tells The Lead That She Has a Child 50
Contestant is Rumored on the Show to Have a Boyfriend Back Home 50
Contestant's Family Member Tells Her That The Lead is Not Right for Her 50
Contestant Sits in the Hot Seat at the Women Tell All 50
The Lead's Family Member Tells The Lead That the Contestant is Not Right for Him 50
Contestant Strips Naked or To Her Underwear in Front of Others 80
Contestant Discusses Her Sexual Fetish 80
Contestant Exits the Show and Comes Back (Even Just to Warn The Lead About One of the Women) 80
Contestant is Asked to Leave by the Lead Mid-Episode/Prior to the Rose Ceremony (Does Not Include Not Receiving a Rose on a One-on-One or Two-on-One Date) 100
Contestant Admits to Having a Boyfriend Back Home 100
Contestant Receives the First Impression Rose 100
Contestant Tells The Lead That She is a Virgin 100
Contestant Chooses to Make Out With Another Contestant (Not on a Dare or as Part of a Game) 100
Contestant's Parent Declines to Give The Lead His Blessing 100
Contestant Rejects Fantasy Suite Invitation 100
Contestant Falls Asleep on a Date, Including a Cocktail Party 100
Contestant Gets Kicked Off the Show by the Producers 100
Contestant is Asked to Leave by The Lead Mid-Episode/Prior to the Rose Ceremony (Does Not Include Not Receiving a Rose on a One-on-One or Two-on-One Date) 100
Contestant is Named Next Season's Bachelorette (The Lauren Hauser Rule) 100
Contestant Has Confirmed Sex with The Lead 200
Contestant Interrupts The Lead's Alone Time With Another Contestant at the Cocktail Party When She Already Has a Rose to Procure Her Own Alone Time (a/k/a The Cardinal Sin) -50
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in Week 1 20
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in Week 2 40
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in Week 3 60
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in Week 4 80
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in Week 5 100
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in Week 6 120
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in Week 7 140
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in Week 8 160
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in Week 9 180
Contestant Leaves the Show on Her Own Accord in the Finale 200
Week: Aired Summary
6: 3/3 Ep. 6 - Grant Does Hometowns
5: 2/24 Ep. 5 - Grant Finds His Final Four
4: 2/17 Ep. 4 - Grant Takes Spain
3: 2/10 Ep. 3 - Grant Goes to Prom
2: 2/3 Ep. 2 - Grant's Ladies Hit the Hardwood
1: 1/27 Ep. 1 - Grant's Premiere